Issue 68 of Switch Player Magazine is available now, featuring 100 pages of Nintendo Switch content, with Advance Wars claiming the cover territory.
Buy Switch Player Issue 68 here!
Our latest issue features:
- Features on Advance Wars and the turn-based strategy genre
- An exclusive developer interview with the Warside developers on their recent Kickstarter success
- Coverage of Game Boy NSO releases
- The latest Wave of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’s new courses get our full analysis
We’ve got plenty of reviews as well, including Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, Bayonetta Origins, Mincecraft Legends, Coffee Talk Episode 2, Disney Speedstorm and more. Plus our usual regular features: Switched On featuring all the latest news, NSO Spotlight, Retrospectives, and our challenging crossword.
Buy Switch Player Issue 68 here!