Voez has been updated with even more great content, and for those who’ve yet to pick up the full game comes a demo. It’s time to get your rhythm on, whatever your purchase status is!
That’s right folks, version 1.2 of Voez is a reasonably small download away and will net you twelve brand new songs to tap away to in this handheld mode only title. The brand new songs you’ll get in the update can be found in the chart below, with a quick audio visual demonstration in the trailer below that.
In addition to the version 1.2 update, a 141MB demo containing three songs is now rolling out. Currently available on the Japanese eShop, the Voez demo will let you play Wilt by VerseQuence (MJQ+Eri), Colourful Voice by Night Keepers, and Kimi to Mita Sora no Uta by TAKUII75 + Ryota Kikuchi at any difficulty or speed – giving you a proper taste of what Voez has to offer in a very small package.
Voez is available in all major regions, and the update to 1.2 should now be out there as well. Those of you that don’t have the game yet can grab the demo; it’s available now on the Japanese eShop, and should be hitting other regions in the next 24 hours.