Super just one button.
Jumping is probably the most basic and common gameplay mechanic present in almost every single 2D platformer. On the classics, such as the 2D Marios, or on hardcore platformers, like Super Meat Boy, you jump. Even on run n’ gun games, like Mega Man, in which jumping isn’t necessarily the main gameplay focus, well… you jump. On all these cases, the jump element must be combined with many other inputs, from the very act of moving or running, to more elaborated things like dashing, shooting or interacting with items. Now, what if those games were about jumping, and only jumping? Devoid of any other mechanic, that’s exactly what Super One More Jump is.
The main mode of the game is composed of 96 different levels, in which your objective is to overcome platforming challenges, until you reach a portal at the end. Scattered through each one of these levels, you’ll also find three collectables. While optional, they add a replayability flavor to the game, especially if you demand for a more challenging experience, as they’ll often be placed on hard-to-reach areas. As you progress, levels become harder and longer, but the game keeps frustration at bay by following the same premises as games like Super Meat Boy: after dying, you’ll instantly restart the level, ready to try again.
What Super One More Jump does different than Super Meat Boy – and pretty much every other platformer – is the aforementioned limitation to the sole use of the jump mechanic. You have no control over the movement of your character. Once you hit any button, your character will start to walk automatically through the level. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the timing in which you need to press the jump button to avoid all the kinds of obstacles. Jumping in Super One More Jump doesn’t even accept analogic input. This means that your character won’t jump higher the more you press the jump button. Instead, the jump will be performed with an identical arch, every single time.
On the paper, these aspects makes Super One More Jump sounds like a kind of boring and bland game. Surprisingly, though, it does a good job when it comes to level design, especially when you consider that jumping doesn’t only serves as a mean to evade obstacles, but you can also change your perspective, jumping into vertical, or even upside-down platforms. It does take a while for you to reach more complex levels, that uses these concepts to the full extend, but they are very challenging and rewarding.
Every single level of Super One More Jump can be played with customizable visuals. There are 11 different options, made by guest artists, each one with unique sprite options for your controllable characters. These can be unlocked with the collectables you get on the main mode, and there’s even the option to make then random. Some visuals are better than others, however, because the different sprites for items can get confusing.
In addition to the main mode, Super One More Jump also has a randomized endless run option, box-shaped levels, and even co-op modes. Even though it has a more basic mindset for the platforming challenges, it does deliver an enjoyable experience, with plenty of levels for you to master.
Super One More Jump
Super One More Jump throws away many of the platformer genre staples to focus solely on the jump mechanic. As a result, it delivers an experience that takes a while to reach full potential, but eventually becomes surprisingly challenging and enjoyable.