The chaos in the kitchen continues as the chefs head to paradise.
If you found yourself finishing Overcooked 2 and looking for more content to really test your cooking skills, then you are in luck. The newly released DLC for the videogame titled Surf ‘n’ Turf takes our brace chefs on a whole new adventure to a tropic hub world where new challenges, kitchens, recipes and dangers await them.
Now right off the bat here I want to say that Surf ‘n’ Turf is hard. Be it on your own or with other chefs the difficulty level for each of the new stages is higher from the get go as opposed to the core game. For this reason I highly recommend you enter this DLC with some experience under your belt and if possible don’t come in alone. There is strength in numbers in these tropical kitchens.
That said, it is refreshing to have Overcooked 2 try push the limit with what it can ask players to accomplish. The core mechanics have not changed much, meaning players can jump right in but the new kitchen layouts will test your skills and ask you to work more cooperatively than before. Maybe things will keep moving around or perhaps you need to throw items across gaps and holiday goers. Whatever the challenge might be you will need to stay on your toes to succeed.

To help you out there is the new water gun and bellows tools that bring some new ideas to the kitchen and keep the action interesting and crazy. If you need to clean plates and dishes but lack a sink then the water gun will help you there and the bellows can be used to heat up fire and speed up the cooking time. Of course, this can cause a fire and burn your food so pay attention and maybe have a fire extinguisher nearby just in case.
In terms of new recipes, Surf ‘n’ Turf brings just enough to the table to keep things interesting without overloading players with too much information. The new combinations of existing recipes will also need chefs to pay attention as often a familiar order pops up but with a single item changed and if you are not ready it can cause chaos.

As you might expect, not much has changed in the presentation department with Surf ‘n’ Turf keeping the charming look and feel of Overcooked 2. The new environments, items and new chef models all keep the cheery style going and it’s nice to see it once again. Sadly, some performance issues still seem to be present with the odd drop in framerate during play sessions. Though not enough to ruin the experience they were noticeable but hopefully in time will be ironed out.
At the end of the day Overcooked 2 Surf ‘n’ Turf is a good follow up to a title that was already brilliant and chaotic. The adventure uses a separate save file and is a truly challenging one that players will need to work hard at to be able to master and come out on top. The experience is a decent size as well offering just enough without overstaying its welcome. With all that said, Overcooked 2 Surf ‘n’ Turf is a great add-on and is definitely worth checking out.
Overcooked 2 Surf ‘n’ Turf
Overcooked 2 Surf ‘n’ Turf continues the cooking fun with a brilliant DLC that is definitely worth checking out. Just make sure to bring some friends.