It looks like a fairly good week on the Nintendo Switch eShop, so unzip those wallets and get to buyin’.
This week we see four new games going up for sale; NEOGEO title Samurai Showdown IV leading the pack in cheap pricing, and the jam-packed Jackbox Party Pack 3 pulling up the rear. In between are Mr Shifty – a quicker, flashier version of Hotline Miami, and the not-quite-released bit of nostalgia that is Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap – which actually drops on the 18th. If that’s not enough, a little bit more life has been breathed into I Am Setsuna as the Temporal Battle Arena DLC is both free and live for download. Nooch!
Hey, did we mention there’s yet another demo up in both Western regions? Now you can finally get your hands on the Puyo Puyo Tetris demo without resorting to the Japanese eShop. 😛
Need something new to play? Check out the pricing below.
Released in both North America and Europe this week;
- ACA NEOGEO Samurai Showdown IV: Amakusa’s Revenge – $9.87CAD | $7.99US | €6.99 | £6.29
- The Jackbox Party Pack 3 – $33.84CAD | $24.99US | €23.99 | £20.03
- Mr. Shifty – $19.79CAD | $14.99US | €14.99 | £13.49
- Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap (April 18th) – $26.79CAD | $19.99US | €19.99 | £17.99
Looking to demos, there’s a single entry for both regions;
- Puyo Puyo Tetris – Free
Finally, with regard to DLC there’s also single entry for both regions;
- I Am Setsuna: Temporal Battle Arena – Free
What will next week hold? Who knows! Check back then to find out. 😉