Wulverblade to add Easy Mode

Talk about timing, eh?

You may recall I recently reviewed indie title Wulverblade from Fully Illustrated, and whilst I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, I also stated that “I admittedly found the game a bit too unforgiving at times”.

Well, it seems other folks have had similar notions and Fully Illustrated have heard their call. Today on Twitter, the developer announced an upcoming patch for the game which will include a much needed Easy Mode along with additional checkpoints right before boss battles. This will definitely take the edge off and allow newcomers to ease into things a bit more.

Whilst I can’t go back and alter the review for Wulverblade, this patch should address my main concerns with the game. With this in mind, I urge fans of Streets of Rage and other 2D brawlers to give this a swift purchase!


One thought on “Wulverblade to add Easy Mode”

  1. I fully agree with, Ollie. Fans of 2D beat’em ups should BUY, BUY, BUY!

    Wulverblade is also available on PC and is on its way to PS4, though, in my totally unbiased opinion, Switch is by far the best platform for this one!

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