Jim Henson’s puppets brought to life in an unfortunate mess.
Author: Lachlan Bruce
Deadly Premonition Origins Review
The premonition is deadly in this cult classic.
Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition Review
D&D in video game form.
Just Ignore Them Review
You’ll wish you did just ignore them.
Amnesia Collection Review
Forgetting can be terrifying.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Review
Welcome to the Kuniverse.
Daemon X Machina Review
It’s a Gundam arms race.
PREVIEW: Daemon X Machina
An early look at Nintendo’s mechanised warfare.
Lucah: Born of a Dream Review
This Dark Souls of beat-em-ups is not as dreamy as it sounds.
Week in Review: Pokémon, Loot Box odds disclosure, and more
Let’s take a look at the Nintendo news of the week.