A ‘survival horror’ horror show.
Author: Oliver Roderick
I'm a 24-year-old Nintendo addict; one of the few who still plays Nintendo and Nintendo alone. I have been since my dad got GoldenEye and an N64 in the mid nineties, and two decades later, I've decided to become a collector, with around 1,000 Nintendo games across every single console.
Nothing beats the Nintendo magic for me. I'm also the only person to get Star Letter in ONM and Nintendo Gamer in the same month!
Sniper Elite 4 Review
No Time to Die… because these levels are enormous.
Tropico 6 – Nintendo Switch Edition Review
Make Tropico Great Again.
Neighbours back From Hell Review
The nosiest of neighbours.
Raji: An Ancient Epic Review
India-na Jones.
REZ PLZ Review
REZ PLZ? It’s kk.
Gerrrms Review
Make sure you don’t catch something.
Windbound Review
More broken wind than wind in its sails.
SpyHack Review
“The game’s bad. Just bad.”
Neko Navy – Daydream Edition Review
A cat of (around) nine lives.